Status Report: Archives and Documentary Filmmaking in Wartime
Closing Event – A screening of
Opening Event –Premiere:


with filmmaker Yariv Mozer
Followed by a live concert:
Eifo HaYeled with
Special guest: Yermi Kaplan
Marking the 30th anniversary of their debut album “Zman Sukkar”

Israel 2024, 60 min, Hebrew, Hebrew subtitles

 The Ilona and Hillel Zvi Lowy Special Collections Display Room, level -3
National Library Garden, Idan and Batia Ofer Park
Russell Berry Main Entrance hall, Level -2
חדרי סמינר, קומה 2-
The David Geffen Auditorium, level 0 
09:30     12:15
16:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00

Entry is free and pre-registered, based on availability.

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Admission is Free
הכרטיסים אזלו

In collaboration with:

On October 7th, hundreds of civilians were kidnapped and taken hostage into Gaza, which has caused Israeli society to struggle with unimaginable human dilemmas. This has led to an emotional, ethical, and moral debate. Negotiations with Hamas have been fierce, as it is the culmination of prolonged escalations over five decades. It all started with plane hijackings, hostage takeovers, and the kidnapping of soldiers and civilians, both dead or alive. All of these acts were done to terrorize and gain negotiating leverage over Israel. This series takes viewers behind the scenes of some of the most well-known hostage takeovers and the psychological drama of the negotiations involved in these events.

Premiere screening

One episode of the series will be screened.

Bargaining Chip

1982 Lebanon War. Palestinian terrorist organizations hold eight Nahal soldiers, but in Israel, nothing is known about their fate. A chance connection with Dina, the former Queen of Jordan, the wife of a senior Fatah member captured by the IDF, triggers a human drama behind the scenes. She brings information about the eight and becomes the main mediator in a prisoner exchange deal.

Director: Duki Dror

Production: Liat Kamai Eshed

Production Company: Zygote Films

Content Editor: Itay Landsberg Nevo

Editing: Maya Stark

Cinematography: Avner Shahaf

Research: Ilan Sheizaf

Sound Design: Ronen Nagel

Music: Gal Lev

Source: Zygote Films

  • Warning: This film contains content that some viewers may find distressing | Rated 18+

  • No assigned seating

  • This is an outdoor screening; warm clothing is recommended

  • All revenues will go towards the rehabilitation of the Nova community

  • Weapons are not permitted in the event area

  • No assigned seating

Before the screening:
Opening greetings: HaRishon LeZion Rabbi Shlomo Moshe Amar
After the screening:
After the screening of "
A conversation with the series’ director Duki Dror and content editor Itay Landsberg Nevo
The David Geffen Auditorium, level 0
No items found.
The Rabbi’s Status in Israel: Moses or Aharon?
Before the screening of “King of Sephardim,” Adina Bar-Shalom, daughter of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, in conversation with Rabbi Benny Lau
יום א'
יום ב'
יום ד'
יום ה'
09:30     12:15
בין 16:00-20:00 מדי שעה עגולה
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Reserve a Seat
From the Desks of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, Baba Sali and Baba Khaki

Prior to the screening of "King of the Sephardim" - an encounter with original materials, handwritten by Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, that tell the story of his world.

Prior to the screening of "The Last Righteous Man" - a display of documents and letters by the Baba Sali and Baba Khaki relating to their public and political influence.

Guided by Dr. Chaim Neria, Curator of the Haim and Hanna Solomon Judaica Collection at the National Library of Israel.

יום א'
יום ב'
יום ה'
09:30     12:15
16:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00
More Details
More Details
Calligraphy Workshop

Calligraphy is the art of aesthetic writing, an ancient craft found across cultures, continents, and languages, with letters and words as its main means of expression. Following the screening of “The Colour of Ink,” try your hand at Hebrew calligraphy in a workshop with artists Izzy Pludwinski and David Goldstein.

✦ The workshop is roughly two hours long

✦ Admission fee: 55 NIS

יום א'
יום ב'
יום ג'
יום ה'
09:30     12:15
בין 16:00-20:00 מדי שעה עגולה
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