Docu.Text Film Festival returns to the National Library for the ninth consecutive year to explore identity, culture, and art.
The National Library opened its new building to the public in mid-October, shortly after the start of the Iron Swords War, and immediately welcomed thousands of visitors who flocked to its halls from every corner of the country.
Since then, the steady stream of visitors has shown no sign of slowing: The reading rooms are full of students, scholars, pupils, and educators. Tens of thousands visit “The Treasures” experience and wander through exhibition spaces showcasing the rarest and most exciting items in the library’s collections—treasures that tell the stories of the Jewish people and Israeli society. Tens of thousands have already attended the myriad of cultural events held at the library, marking it as a site of cultural pilgrimage.
The decision to hold Docu.Text festival at the library this summer, despite the growing threat of war, was made from a value-based standpoint that views culture and art as a source of strength, inspiration, and resilience. By bringing individual and collective human stories to the big screen, contemporary documentary filmmaking broadens the discourse, reveals ranges of nuance, and cultivates a sensitivity that we so desperately need, especially at a time when much is drowned out by the din of war.
The name of the festival's opening film, “We Will Dance Again”, captures this stance well. The festival’s diverse program represents prominent and varied voices in Israeli society—voices that are gradually laying down the foundation for an important and meaningful cultural dialogue.
We wholeheartedly hope for the safe return of our brothers and sisters from captivity—and our soldiers from the battlefields.
Enjoy the films!
Tsila Hayun
Head of Culture and Visitors
Ruty Rubinshtein
Cultural Director, Artistic Director of Docu.Text
Head of Culture, Visitors and Exhibitions Wing: Tsila Hayun
Artistic director and Festival director: Ruty Rubinshtein
Producer: Rotem Ben-Hamo
Content, events and festival website: Moriah Bar-Gil
Content team: Atara Ben Hanan, Noam Peleg, Maya Kedem
Sales management and Production: Shira Gabay
Production management: Noam Gershler
Production assistant: Matan Rozenberg, Ohad Kapoya
Marketing and Innovation Management: Amir Orni, Maor Huri
Artistic Committee: Ruty Rubinshtein, Karin Rivkind-Segal, Anat Nattel, Moriah Bar-Gil, Atara Ben Hanan, Noam Peleg, Maya Kedem
Graphic Design: Rotem Cohen Soaye
Web Design: Nir Avigad
Festival Video Editor: Matan Abramovich
Translation: Tatyana Schwartzman Zivony
PR: Debby Group
Spokesperson: Vered Lyon Yerushalmi
Digital Marketing: Modus
Lighting & Amplification: NSS
Construction: Mor Bamot
Screening: AVS
Safety: Shauli Engineering and Safety
Docaviv : Limor Aharonovich, Karin Rywkind Segal, Anat Nattel, Anat Mozes, Hilla Razon
The Israeli Documentary Forum: Noga Chevion, Hagit Ben Yaacov
Hedva Goldschmidt, Sheli Cohen Riter, HOT, SIPUR
National Library Staff: Dr.Chaim Neria, Dr. Anat Navot, Matan Barzilai, Hila Zaksenberg, Ron Ofer, Galit Shaul, Naomi Schacter, Irit Jacobowitz, Rachel Neiman, Naomi Bloom Wurtman, Shai Ben-Ari, Yaara Halevy, Marcela Szekely, Hagar Millman
Customer services staff: Maya Marin-Mazal, Maayan fischer, michal austin, hadas sherbi, amalia de pino serni, ofri kahn, noa meir, yovel tsipora, shira libernan
Digital Division Team: Nati Gabbay, Liron Halbriech, Judith Kagan, Lyri Uzan
Operations and Logistics team: Eyal Ben David, Samer Nabulsi, Porat Sharabi, Imad Aburmila, Meir Tastas, Avi Zrahiya
Security team: Arik Leshem, Shiri Segev
The National Library of Israel is grateful to Bat Shlomo Vineyards for their sponsorship of the Docu.Text festival, to Rosalie and Richard Alter for their partnership in memory of their dear friend, Stuart Schoffman, and to the Samis Foundation – Seattle, Washington for their support.